Do it Yourself! Exploit yourself? #OOSE Season 2

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By:  Marie Hasbi (Université Paris 2), Albane Grandazzi(Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL), Aurore Dandoy (Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL), Stefan Haefliger (CASS Business School) & François-Xavier de Vaujany (Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL).


We would like to express our great appreciation to the following persons who have generously offered their help in the organization of this event.

Mikael Peiro (PhD Researcher at Montpellier University) for designing the visual iconography of the event, Heigo Mõlder (Co-Founder & Manager at Skeemipesa) for hosting the second part of our event.

We also thank our Keynote Speakers:

Anthony Hussenot is a professor in organization studies at the Université Côte d’Azur. He has conducted research about the new work practices and the emergence of new organizational forms. He is currently focussing on topics such as freelancingmaker’s movement and digital nomads. He is running the research standing working group “New work practices, new lifestyles” at AIMS (French conference in Organization Studies and Strategy, 2017-2020), and the standing working group “Doing Process Research” at EGOS (2017-2020).

Mikael Peiro is a Ph.D. student and activist researcher in alternative organizations. He is interested, through an ethnographic study of three forms of social movements (hackerspaces, squats, local currencies) in how activists intertwine over time, pragmatic issues and transformative intents.

Tiit Elenurm is Entrepreneurship professor at the Estonian Business School Management Department. He has earlier managed the EBS Entrepreneurship Department. Trainer at the EBS Executive Education. Investor, member of the Estonian Business Angels Network ESTBAN and Estonian Consultants Association. During Estonian transition to the market economy Tiit Elenurm managed the International Management Department of the Estonian Management Institute that transferred international management and entrepreneurship know-how to Estonia.

OOSE ‘Organization and Organizing in the Sharing Economy’ 2018 was set up for the second time as an off event of EGOS annual Conference. The event attracted nearly 60 researchers, hacktivists and entrepreneurs. Attendees eager to participate in a critical discussion about makers, hacker movement and DIY. The event took place on July 6 in Tallinn and was divided into two parts: a keynote workshop and a tour visit in a hackerspace: Skeemipesa.

photo 1

The opening of the second season of OOSE


  1. First Part: Keynotes & interactive workshop

Anthony Hussenot kicks off OOSE2018 with a keynote titled “From do it yourself to exploit yourself». He started by a set of fascinating astonishment regarding the ‘DIY’ turn:

  • DIY as a political/alternative practice that has just become a hobby or a way to create a job
  • DIY as a practice that is supposed to make people free from the mass consumption, but it has become a mass market
  • DIY as a practice that was supposed to offer a good alternative life that has turned to an “exploit yourself” way of living.

He then produced a historical perspective on DIY movement and finally revisited the meaning of “exploit yourself”: is it a way to push and improve the self or a way to take advantage of the network, the body, etc.? To highlight his keynote, he took the example of the digital nomads & influencers on Instagram.


Keynote1: Anthony Hussenot 


The second Keynote was addressed by Mikael Peiro. He questioned the identity and the place of a researcher in alternative organizations and more specifically in Hackerspaces. Mikael focused on his own field research as a hacktivist researcher and provided us multiple quotations from his ethnographical work. This keynote revealed a need to tie questions about academia and activist research (see Melissa’s tweet).


Keynote2: Mikael Peiro


The last Keynote: Tiit Elenurm provided first some personal reflections about the key conceptions of OOSE2018 like DIY, hacking and the sharing economy. Through his keynote titled “To share or not to share knowledge and resources in local or cross-border entrepreneurship? Do it yourself and co-creation alternatives in a small open economy” He shared with the audience his insights on hackathons from his experience as a member of the Estonian Busines Angel network:EBAN He then questioned the rise and the novelty of the Sharing economy. Finally, he identified areas that pose challenges to learning cross-border entrepreneurship.


Keynote3: Tiit Elenurm


After Keynotes, OOSE2018 attendees were invited to a knowledge creation through a Framapad. You can read the common knowledge created by attendees here.

The workshop revisited keynotes, questions and criticism of DIY, exploitation and hacktivism raised by the Framapad. Participants were nudged into a creative communication with a process called “Fishbowl”. Three chairs were arranged in an inner circle, the remaining chairs were arranged in concentric circles outside the fishbowl. In the beginning of the fishbowl, participants were selected by the event conveners. Then, the audience outside seemed to have a genuine interest in this appealing form of conversation (see picture below and one of the attendees Tweet: Paul).

A Fishbowl Conversation


  1. Second Part: A tour visits to a hackerspace

The second part of OOSE2018 took place in Skeemipesa. It started by a presentation of this innovative and creative place by its co-founder and manager: Heigo.

Skeemipesa is an independent startup located inside the TTÜ (Tallinn University Technology) Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics. It benefits from facilities offered by TTÜ University. Skeemispa is both a hackerspace and an event space. It achieves its mission through a variety of hardware and software development services for full scale of the Internet of Things (IOT). Skeemipesa also gather people of common interest in electronic, electricity and robotics through hackathons and creative workshops. Each year, Skeemipesa team organize Techhnohack: the biggest hardware and software hackathon in the Baltic countries. Technohack manages each season to transform ideas and prototypes into operating devices by using machine learning and computer vision.

Presentation of Skeemipesa by Heigo

After listening and interacting with the presentation of Skeemipsa, Heigo offered a tour visit. He showed us the space work equipment like power supplies, oscilloscopes, signal generators, etc. He gave us also explanations about devices made by Skeemipsa team development, like a Smart Bird House Feeder based on an IOT full solution (see picture below).


Skeemipesa Material Lab



A Smart Bird House Feeder made by Skeemipsa


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