Next Symposium RGCS

“In-betweenness”: spatial and temporal perspectives on working and organizing

23 and 24 January 2025, Politecnico di Milano, Milan (Italy)

Research Group on Collaborative Spaces

#Coworker #Maker #Hacker #FutureofWork


RGCS is both an alternative learned society, a think tank and an immaterial maker space about and for new work practices. Collaborative communities and collaborative movements (coworkers, makers, hackers, DIY) are both a research object and a lever to transform work practices. Since late 2016, the network co-produces a new research method (Open Walked Event-Based Experimentations) aiming at transforming jointly academic and entrepreneurial work practices. This method aims at becoming a #commons for academics and entrepreneurs involved in it (e.g. with a sharing of the symbolic capital of impact and citations).

New ways of working and organizing work and life obviously transform and disrupt the time and space of our experiences. Boundaries between private and professional lives are blurred. Most workers are involved today in multiple activities and multiple temporalities, more or less conflicting with each other. Openness, fluidity and playfulness, as deep calls from managers, also change the time and space of work, consumption and life activities. In parallel, our world is experiencing radical transformations and expectations of transformations, ranging from climate change, planetary limits, geopolitical crisis (e.g. war or new financial disruptions) and the loss of meaning at work. Capitalism at large is accelerating the rhythms of its promises and novelties. Even its answers to our crisis are commodified and wrapped into its continuous processes of unveiling. These apocalypses also modify our relationships with past, present and future times, but also places, sites and spaces at stake with them. New imaginary of history and futures emerge. In the context of this SG, we want to explore the time-space of new ways of organizing in relationship with these grand challenges. We are particularly interested in understating jointly time and space, actuality and sites, events and emplacements, happening and spatium. Both methodologies, philosophies (e.g. of Deleuze, Bergson, Stewart, Braidotti, Seamon, Whitehead, Arendt…) and theories will be part of our discussions.

Research perspectives

The time-space of new ways of working & organizing

Sustainability and new ways of working

Collaboration and Leadership from the Human-Machine Interface

Democratic organizing and new ways of working


JOCO is an annual publication released each December which includes both an edited and a reviewed section. It is affiliated to the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCS) and shares the values of open and citizen sciences. Its ambition is interdisciplinary, e.g. with contributions expected from fields such as management, organization studies, innovation studies, organizational sociology, urban sociology, economic geography, anthropology, political sciences, philosophy, psychology, etc.


Discover JOCO



RGCS executive board ("bureau") of our association has been renewed in January 2023.
The people (re-)elected (for three years) are the following


Stefan Haefliger

Stockholm School of Economics

Gislene Feiten Haubrich

Stockholm School of Economics

Aurore Dandoy

ESDES business school

Anna Glaser

ESCP Business School

Alexandra Bernhardt

Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Fiza Brakel
Vrije Universiteit

Sabine Carton

Université Grenoble Alpes

Emannuel Costa

Bloom Consulting

François-Xavier de Vaujany
Former president (2016-2023)

PSL - Paris Dauphine

Albane Grandazzi

Grenoble EM

Adèle Gruen

Université Paris Dauphine-PSL 

Olivier Irrmann

Junia Lille

Janet Merkel

TU Berlin

Alesandra Migliore

Politecnico di Milano

Camille Pfeffer

ESDES Business School

Mickael Peiro

IUT Paul Sabatier

David Vallat

Sciences-Po Lyon










Want to know more about OWEE?

Click here to know more about the method or read our white paper