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1st OOSE” Organization and Organizing in the Sharing Economy” as an off of the 33rd EGOS

By Marie Hasbi (Université Paris II), Albane Grandazzi (Université PSL Paris-Dauphine), Stéphanie Faure (Université PSL Paris-Dauphine), François Delorme (Université Grenoble II, CERAG),Roser Pujadas (LSE) & Aurore Dandoy (Université PSL Paris-Dauphine)



We would like to express our great appreciation to the following persons who have generously offered their help in the organization of this event.

Jonathan Schmidt (Phd student at CBS), Mogen Pedersen (Professor at CBS), Frederik Tauber (CCO of BLOXHUB), Rasmus Vestergrard (Coordinator of Copenhagen Fablab)

On the 5th July 2017 at Copenhagen, CBS hosted the first OOSE event. The main topic of this year is related to contradictions and paradoxes of the sharing economy. Indeed, sharing economy has a contested nature.

Our event was divided into three parts.


************ First Part ************

The first parts took place in Bloxhub. It started by a presentation of this innovative place by Jonathan Schmidt and Frederik Tauber.


BLOXHUB Copenhagen … Read more

Enquête FNEGE 2018 “Nouvelles pratiques de travail”

Enquête FNEGE 2018 “Nouvelles pratiques de travail”


The FNEGE (Fondation Nationale pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion d’Entreprise) will launch in January 2018 a study about new work practices.

It will be an opportunity to explore the relationships between the new world of work (e.g. collaborative entrepreneurship, freelancing, mobile work, remote work, coworking, makers, DIY…) and the old, secular world, of academia. Participants will analyze the possible role of universities and business schools in the transformation of organizations and society, what they do and what they could do to participate to these transformations. They will also analyze how new work practices could be adopted further by universities and business schools.

Pierre-Yves Gomez (EMLyonbusinessschool, IFGE) and François-Xavier de Vaujany (PSL, Université Paris-Dauphine, DRM) will be the coordinators of this project whose results will be presented in front of deans in June 2018.

L’enquête FNEGE 2018 will  be in partnership with l’IFGE and RGCS.

For more information: Enquête FNEGE Read more

RGCS Toulouse launched during the FabLab Festival – on the 12th of May

RGCS Toulouse launched during the FabLab Festival – on the 12th of May

by Amélie Bohas (Aix-Marseille Université), Constance Garnier (Telecom Paris-Tech) and Stéphanie Faure (Université PSL Paris-Dauphine)

In April 2017, a brand new RGCS (Research Group on Collaborative Spaces) chapter opened in Toulouse. So as to start this adventure in a collective and open way, a first convivial meeting gathering 30 people interested in the global RGCS dynamic and those who are especially concerned by the Toulouse’s chapter took place during the FabLab Festival. As Toulouse, through it’s festival organized by Artilect, became a major meeting point for fabbers and for all those who are sensitive to the open-fabrication-places growing movement, we focused this opening workshop on FabLabs & Research considerations :

  • Which are the different angles to approach FabLabs (and all makerspaces) in the ongoing research ?
  • Which are the links between the researchers and the fabbers, and how could they be enhanced ?
  • What is the RGCS network ?
  • How
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Opening and re-inventing research practices in management? Around learning expeditions

Opening and re-inventing research practices in management? Around learning expeditions

By François-Xavier de Vaujany, Université Paris Dauphine

Between the 11th and 15th June, a group of French academics participated to a learning expedition in Tokyo called #visualizinghacking2017. This event was organized by an academic network (the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces) focusing both on the study of third-places and collaborative spaces (e.g coworking spaces, makerspaces, fab labs and hackerspaces) and their use as possible boundary-spanners and levers for change in academic practices.

Numerous places were visited, from Lodge (at Yahoo Japan) a coworking space on Monday to Creww an accelerator on Thursday. Based on all the questions and online/offline reactions we received , here are a couple of first quick thoughts based on this experimentation and other ones organized by the same network (#collday2107, #visualizinghacking2016, #RGCS2016 and 2015/2016 RGCS live events). These are just first, intuitive and exploratory ideas. More systematic research about the online … Read more

“Collaborative finance for collaborative spaces”, #RGCSBarcelona seminar on fablabs & crowdfunding

“Collaborative finance for collaborative spaces”, #RGCSBarcelona seminar on fablabs & crowdfunding

By Heloise Berkowitz (Ecole Polytechnique, i3-CRG)

We thank IBEI for graciously hosting the event and for Carlos, Helena and Gloria for their precious help in organizing the seminar. And we thank our three presentators : Ignasi Capdevila (PSB), Tomas Diez (Fab City Research Lab Director, Smart Citizen Co-founder) and Sergi Figueres Moret (former IBEI student, co-founder and CEO of “Worldcoo”).


On the 25th of May, Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals hosted a #RGCSBarcelona seminar on “Collaborative finance for collaborative spaces”. The objective was to open a dialogue between two dimensions of the collaborative economy: fab labs and crowdfunding. Indeed, the collaborative economy not only deeply transforms and challenges working practices, but also calls for rethinking funding models and financial systems.


A demonstration of percussions opened the seminar, right below the windows of the classroom.

******** First presentation ********

The seminar started with a presentation by Ignasi CapdevilaRead more

Co-workers and makers: New public policies and corporate strategies for the city

Co-workers and makers: New public policies and corporate strategies for the city

By Laetitia Vitaud, speaker, writer and researcher, specialised in the future of work, organisations and consumption (original post here on the LSE Business Review blog)

Collaborative doers will increasingly play a political role, transforming traditional political mechanisms, writes Laetitia Vitaud

Collaborative movements and communities—co-workers, makers, hackers, and fabbers— stir tremendous controversy because they expose all the paradoxes and contradictions of the ongoing transformations of work practices and capitalism. Work is being redefined by the growing number of entrepreneurs and freelancers while organisations are being transformed by a new work ethos. The ‘do-ocracy’ is establishing itself as the favoured organisational structure of the future, where individuals choose roles and tasks and execute them. Responsibilities and legitimacy go to people who do the work, rather than to selected executives.

These are all the issues dealt with by the White Paper recently published by the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCSRead more

Les tiers-lieux : quelles opportunités pour comprendre et transformer les pratiques de travail ?

Les tiers-lieux : quelles opportunités pour comprendre et transformer les pratiques de travail ?

By François-Xavier de Vaujany, Université Paris Dauphine

Il y a bientôt trois ans, j’ai commencé à explorer le « nouveau monde » des tiers-lieux d’entrepreneuriat et d’innovation. Après des années de recherches sur des grands groupes, des universités, des administrations, des grands projets digitaux, je découvrais alors un objet particulièrement enthousiasmant. De nouvelles formes d’incubation et d’intermédiation, des espaces de coworking indépendants et corporate, des fab labs, des maker spaces, des hacker spaces ont été et sont toujours l’occasion d’observations, d’entretiens, d’expériences de photographie et d’ateliers de co-création. Quelques années plus tard, mon enthousiasme est intact, mais les intuitions sur les tendances en cours ont peut-être gagné en précision et en distance critique.


C’est ce parcours scientifique, social et émotionnel, que j’aimerais évoquer ici. Il est indissociable d’une aventure plus collective : celle liée à la construction d’un réseau académique sur les nouveaux acteurs et … Read more

Three new RGCS chapters

Three new RGCS chapters

The board of the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCS) has recently validated three new chapters:

  • RGCS Berlin (in December): this chapter is coordinated by Suntje Schmidt (Humboldt University), Bastian Lange (Multiplicities), Rose-Marie Oger (Fab Lab Berlin), Serge Bolidum (MC ERNEST Group) & François-Xavier de Vaujany (Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL). The local team has organized a first event #collday2017 including a research seminar at Betahaus, a co-creation workshop at Fab Lab Berlin, and a learning expedition in several coworking spaces, maker spaces and artistic spaces in Berlin. Contact:
  • RGCS Roma (in March); this chapter is coordinated by Paula Ungureanu (Modena University), Luca Giustinao (LUISS), Tommasina Pianese (IRISS), Paulo Spanoletti (LUISS) and Elisa Mattarelli (Modena University). Contact:
  • RGCS Toulouse (in March): this chpater is coordinated by Amélie Bohas (AMUE), Constance Garnier (Télécom Management), Valérie Fernandez (Télécom Management) and Stéphanie Fargeot (Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL). Contact :

RGCS has already … Read more

L’entrepreneuriat-alterné : en finir avec le mythe d’une société post-salariale ?

L’entrepreneuriat-alterné : en finir avec le mythe d’une société post-salariale ?

By Amélie Bohas, Aix-Marseille Université ; François-Xavier de Vaujany, Université Paris Dauphine et Julie Fabbri, EM Lyon

Nous sommes entrés dans une nouvelle ère, plus collaborative, plus communautaire. Cela conduit notamment à l’émergence de nouvelles pratiques de travail indissociables de nouvelles spatialités et temporalités pour les managers. The Conversation

Au sein du réseau académique RGCS, créé il y a deux ans, des chercheurs en management, en économie et en sociologie ont analysé ces nouvelles relations au travail et à l’espace de travail dans le contexte de l’économie collaborative. À la différence des recherches qui comparent les évolutions conjointes de l’entrepreneuriat et du salariat (et qui avancent parfois la disparition de l’un au profit de l’autre), ils ont choisi de questionner les catégories mêmes du débat sur les transformations du travail.

Leurs travaux montrent que les nouveaux statuts du travailleur sont plus cumulés ou alternés qu’il n’y paraît, en … Read more

Du collaboratif à l’université : les académiques doivent-ils devenir des « makers » ?

Du collaboratif à l’université : les académiques doivent-ils devenir des « makers » ?

By François-Xavier de Vaujany, Professeur, PSL-Université Paris-Dauphine (DRM), Université Paris Dauphine

Avec l’économie collaborative et l’économie du partage, le capitalisme est en train de connaître une mutation profonde. Plus que jamais, on entreprend, on expérimente, on bricole ensemble, on co-produit, on co-créé de la valeur pour le plus grand nombre, alimentant par-là même de nouvelles pratiques de travail.

Comment nos universités vivent-elles ce retournement ? Deviennent-elles plus collaboratives et ancrées dans le « faire » ? Faut-il les faire entrer de plain-pied dans ce « nouveau » monde ? A la fin du clivage entre producteurs et clients, salariés et entrepreneurs, faut-il également ajouter celui entre « sachant » et « apprenant » ?

Les universités : des communautés collaboratives très anciennes

Pour commencer, j’aimerais rappeler que le fonctionnement en communautés, l’horizontalité (évaluation par les « pairs ») et la préoccupation pour le développement d’un savoir « bien … Read more