Special issue guest Editor: Dr. Marko Orel, University of Economics
The Journal of Corporate Real Estate (JCRE) is pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue devoted to papers on the aftermath of COVID- 19 pandemic and workplace-related challenges that have been caused by the recent lockdown. With enforced social and physical distancing, many offices have taken the toll and will need to adapt to meet future expectations and demands of their occupants. Several branches of the workplace industry are affected and it seems that future office trends may take a new and unpredicted turn.
The main aim of this special issue is to cover a number of aspects based on the effect on occupiers themselves (e.g., workplace management, arrangements within existing workplaces and design of new workspaces, etc.), the effect of occupiers’ COVID-19 workplace decisions on the wider commercial real estate markets, the consequences for home working and the changed perspectives on the role or value of offices as a result of home/remote working.
Download the call for issue : https://rgcs-owee.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/JCRE-Special-Issue-Workplace-transformation-flyer.pdf