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RGCS Barcelona: first seminar in September!

First meeting of RGCS Barcelona, 22nd-23rd September (at Barcelona University)

22nd September

15:00-15:15 – Presentation of the RGCS network. Introduction by coordinators of the RGCS network and the RGCS Barcelona Chapter by Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway (Universitat de Barcelona), Ignasi Capdevila (PSB Paris School of Business), François-Xavier de Vaujany (PSL-Université Paris-Dauphine) and Julie Fabbri (CRG, Ecole Polytechnique)

15:15-16:00 – Participants’ short introduction (Background and motivation)

16:00-16:30 – Presentation “Developing a community of makers in Barcelona” Cecilia Tham (Makers of Barcelona)

16:30-17:00 – Open discussion

17:00-17:30 – Presentation “Coworking and Universities” Raquel Villero (Coworking UB)

17:30-18:00 – Open discussion

18:00-18:30 – Concluding discussion: what can we do together? Chaired by Montserrat Pareja Eastaway (UB), Ignasi Capdevila (PSB) and Roser Pujadas (London School of Economics).

18:30-19:00 – Networking


23rd September

10:00 -14:00: Visit of collaborative spaces in Barcelona

Click here to download the full invitation

Looking forward to meeting you all in

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Visualizing hackers, visualizing hacking: Making visible the invisible?

Visualizing hackers, visualizing hacking: Making visible the invisible?

Hackers’ gesture is expected to be relatively invisible, both as a process and a result. Their level of expressivity is quite low.

The idea is to capture in different ways an unexpected emotional, aesthetic, material, dynamic.

With pictures (or other artistic artifacts), contributors are invited to visit hacker spaces and hacker places in Berlin (21st– 23rd June).

The results will be exhibited during RGCS Symposium the 16th December in Paris (Mairie de Paris).

To know more about this happening and/or to join us:

 Visualizing hackers visualizing hacking RGCS 2016Read more

Meeting point at the AOM 2016

Meeting point at the AOM 2016

We will organize an off-the-track workshop this year at the Academy of Management (Anaheim, 5th-10th August).

Join us if you are interested in collaborative communities, collaborative spaces, collaborative movements (coworkers, makers, fabbers, hackers…) and work transformations at large (new mobilities, telework, digital nomads, slashers, etc).

Very good cookies will be waiting for you 🙂

To know more about our event: Invitation – Workshop AOM Off the track collaborative communities

The coordinators

 … Read more

DWG EURAM 2016 about collaborative spaces

DWG EURAM 2016 about collaborative spaces

We are pleased to invite you to  the Development Working Group (DWG) sponsored by the SIG Entrepreneurship (03) and in partnership with RGCS:

“Fablab, coworking space, start-up accelerator… New spaces of cooperation?”

June 3th 2016, 17:00 – 18:30

Université Paris-Est Créteil – Metro L8 ‘Créteil Université’
Building ‘Maison des Langues’ – Room 202

Co-chaired by Julie Fabbri (Ecole polytechnique i3-CRG, France), Anna Glaser (Novancia Business School) and Hélène Bussy-Socrates (Warwick Business School)… Read more

Event of RGCS Paris: 17th May

Event of RGCS Paris: 17th May

Please find below more details about the next event (17th May, 4-6.30 PM) of RGCS Paris at Marketing Space:

Invitation – RGCS Paris 17 mai 2016

The topic will be: « De l’Open Space au Collaborative Space »

Please note that the meeting of our Standing Group will take place just before (2-4 Pm).

Everybody’s welcome.

Please confirm your participation at or via eventbrite.

Looking forward to meeting you


Julie, François and Pierre, coordinators of RGCS Paris… Read more

Event of RGCS London: 17th June

Please find below the program of the next RGCS London which will take place the 17th June (4-6.30 PM) at Cass Business School

Invitation – RGCS London 17th June

The topic of this meeting will be: “Coworking spaces and coworking movements:  an overview of business models”

Looking forward to meeting you all


François, Stefan, Hélène, Nathalie and Yesh


 Read more

Program of RGCS in Lyon: 9th June

Please find below more information about the next event of RGCS Grenoble-Lyon :

9th June, 5.30 PM at the Tuba

Invitation – RGCS Grenoble Lyon 09 juin 2016 vf

« Des soyeux aux makers/coworkers : la tradition lyonnaise des tiers-lieux producteurs d’innovations ».

Retours d’expérience et recherches au programme :

1. Les tiers-lieux vitrine de l’économie collaborative ? (Claudine Revol, Ouishare)

2. L’innovation en poupée russe : du fablab à OpenARA (Pierre Aumont, OpenARA)

3. Comment faire vivre un makerspace ? (Jean Nelson, Youfactory)

4. Innover dans un biohacklab (Rieul Techer, La M[y]ne)

5. Le Tuba, un living lab pour partager les connaissances (Marie-Amandine Vermillon, le TUBA)

6. Les tiers-lieux, un modèle pour innover ? (Antoine Burret, Université Lyon 2)

7. Les acteurs publics et les tiers-lieux (Martine Huyon, Université Lyon 2)… Read more