Program – OWEE paper workshop
“RGCS Paper Factory #1”
3-5 June 2019, Dauphine University (Paris)
Coordinators : Olivier Irrmann & François-Xavier de Vaujany
Location: Université Paris Dauphine - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75016 Paris – Meeting at the entrance hall of the university main building.
Once upon a Walk
In 2016, we began a collective adventure about a collaborative learning expedition we called OWEE (for "Open Walked Event-Based Experimentations"). Since then, we organized 23 OWEEs, wrote a White Paper and started a research project focused on OWEE. This has already produced paper conferences (at LAEMOS, EGOS, AOM, OAP...) and we are now shifting to the stage of writing collaboratively academic articles about these experimentations.
The objectives of the workshop
On June 3-5 2019 (Monday to Wednesday) we will organize at Dauphine a collaborative writing workshop about the potential of OWEE learning expeditions and beyond, open science & citizen science as radical opportunity for our fields.
The goal is to take stock of three years of OWEE implementations and producing together four new academic papers and one research note.
The event is open to all RGCS coordinators and to all people interested in contributing to a citizen science method which would see commons as an experience.
The event is an open and collaborative experiment where we will share and construct together.
We will produce academic text. All active writers and contributors will be co-authors of the papers. Active participation and authorship means producing text and contributing to the construction of the text, through droplets of data, ideas, structure, etc… The target is to generate during these three days 3 to 4 papers, and one research note on open education.
The goal is to coalesce all the diffuse thinking that has happened for the past 36 months around OWEE. We also want to experiment a participative and collaborative work event in our own field, allowing each of us to contribute as a collective to the emergence of our ideas and to the production of text and publications.
Day 1: Monday 3 June 2019
10h00-11h00 Update on all the OWEE initiatives and academic state of the union of RGCS
11h00-12h00 Structuration of working groups, and introduction to the technical infrastructure
12h00-12h30 Starting of text production - Manifesto of the RGCS
12h30-14h00 Lunch and talk
14h00-17h30 Text production
Day 2: Tuesday 4 June 2019
9h30-17h30 Text production
Day 3: Wednesday 5 June 2019
9h30-17h30 Text production
The research note #4 on Open education will be released on that date at 17h30.
Further questions about the workshop:
Get in touch with
Olivier Irrmann (RGCS Lille):
François-Xavier de Vaujany (RGCS++):
….. and through the Slack platform