Our learning expedition will start on Monday, 12th (9 AM) and end on Thursday, 15th (3PM). This experimentation follows #visualizinghacking2016 in Berlin (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHDNSG4uzBE&feature=youtu.be). It aims at visiting innovation labs, independent and corporate maker spaces, fab labs, hacker space, coworking spaces, accelerators and incubators, and to take pictures of (or draw) bricolages, improvisations, creativity movements and hacking gestures which are at the heart of new work practices. The results will be exhibited in London during the 2nd RGCS Symposium in January 2018 (as we did for the first RGCS Symposium at Paris City hall).
We will be a core group of academics and entrepreneurs exploring, walking and continuously discussing our analyses and surprises. This experimentation will be opened to all people (entrepreneurs, makers, journalists, academics, students, artists…) who want to join us for the visits and/or meeting points. Free registration can be completed via our Eventbrite.
To get the full program, click here.
RGCS is an academic network focused on the sharing economy, in particular collaborative communities and collaborative movements (e.g. coworkers, makers and hackers), and how they transform or make visible new work practices and societal changes.
Organizing committee: Anouck Adrot (Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL), François-Xavier de Vaujany (Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL), Charles-Baptiste Gérard (quantstrat), David Vallat (Université Lyon I), Tuukka Toivonen (UCL).
Contact: collaborativespaces@gmail.com or @collspaces
RGCS website: https://collaborativespacesstudy.wordpress.com/
Looking forward to meeting you in Tokyo!
François, for the OC