Roundtable about Creative cities and co-creation led by Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway (University of Barcelona)
And in a very interesting way of answering Q&A, a spontaneous roundtable
The last four presentations of our Day-1
Héloïse Berkowitz presenting one of her work about Surrealism and research, which led to deeper discussion about academia
A brief overview of what OWEE (more information in our 2nd white paper) is and how it started in Barcelona in 2016 and about Berlin 2017 and about a phenomenological narrative or an embodied narrative temporalities based on Ricoeur and Merleau-Ponty.
"Comparing teaching methods kn a University of the third age according to a phenomenological view" by Andrea Resca, with Andrea Benetti#RGCS2019 @collspaces
— Héloïse Berkowitz (@calamityloise) 14 janvier 2019
We are used to Dead Poet Society at RGCS 😉
Oh gosh that's my turn... strangely, I would still be able to blog... Is it magic?? 🙂
Next job for this new website:
Integrating Coworking Library inside the publication page!
Working on it 😉
But go check the library or submit your research papers!
Random tweets of our session speakers
Bastian Lange, coordinator of RGCSBerlin, presents his work, now! Launching interesting questions and discussions:
After a very interesting keynote this morning, Andreea Gorbatai offers us a Pecha Kucha about makers and sharing
What you know from earth paradise? What locals know about them: homeless and poverty and communities working to help
"Social-return Coworking & Community Currencies: Increasing Inclusion and Diversity within Social Innovation Communities for Community-based Socio- economic Development" presented by Anne Heslinga, Paras Pitafi & Sivhuang Lay

Next presentation:
Back to work 🙂
And we start here with Alicja Koperska who was our video maker during #collday2017!! So happy to hear about her work
Time for coffee break 🙂
#RGCS2019 second debate of the first sessions
Start of the first debate / Q&A about space and urbanism with Lucie and Arthur
Presentation of Arthur Sarazin
Enriched with our Google Docs and Framapad for those following us accross time and space 😉
Open data ecosystems: what models to co-create service innovations in smart cities?, Arthur Sarazin, Carine Dominguez-Péry & Khaled Bouabdallah
- data produced within the urban space changes the form of the ecosystem : how is the structure of stakeholders coordination shaped in response?
- the level of analysis seems very different in online communities like wikipedia, and cities, I think this is something you need to somehow address
- why only the public entities’ vision? what about addressing SDG (Sustainable Development Goals)
- Why using design science research?
Researchers are engaged in many interesting subjects to "be the change we are looking for" (Andreea Gorbatai from UCBerkeley) (and I think this is gonna be my moto for the rest of the 2019 year!)
1st presentation beyond the walls... ! @LCortambert about production of space in the city for homeless people #solidarity
Not so late from the beginning 🙂 let's pecha kucha!
Go go go for research #pechakucha about #coworking #makerspace #fablab #incubator #city #RGCS2019
"We are the change we are looking for" Can't agree more with Andreea Gorbatai (UCBerkeley)
#RGCS2019 "we are the change we are looking for" thank you Andreea Gorbatai #Makers #coworking #FutureOfWork @collspaces pic.twitter.com/A1G8GpGeQi
— Aurore Dandoy (@AuroreDandoy) 14 janvier 2019
Starting the conference with a keynote from Andreea Gorbatai from UC Berkeley#RGCS2019
— Héloïse Berkowitz (@calamityloise) 14 janvier 2019