From Explainable AI to Explaining to AI (X2AI): Representational Practices in AI at Work

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From Explainable AI to Explaining to AI (X2AI): Representational Practices in AI at Work


Author: Ella Hafermalz, Marleen Huysman & Jana Retkowsky (KIN Research Group - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Type: Article

Issue: JOCO Vol3, Issue1 - Article 2 (p4-7)

DOI: 10.59083/969487ehwzga

Cite this article: Hafermalz, E., Huysman, M., & Retkowsky, J. (2024). From Explainable AI to Explaining to AI (X2AI): Representatitonal Practices in AI at Work. Journal of Openness, Commons & Organizing, 3(1), 4-7. DOI: 10.59083/969487ehwzga


