Exploring time, space and new ways of working: a conversation with ChatGPT

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Exploring time, space and new ways of working: a conversation with ChatGPT


Authors: Gislene Feiten Haubrich (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Melissa M. Sexton (KIN Center for Digital Innovation)

Type: Interview

Issue: JOCO Vol2, Issue1 - Article 4 (p22-39)

DOI: 10.59083/475782nqgbji

Cite this article: Haubrich, G. F., & Sexton M. S. (2022). Exploring time, space and new ways of working: a conversation with ChatGPT. Journal of Openness, Commons & Organizing, 2(1), 22-39. DOI: 10.59083/475782nqgbji


