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A Détour Towards Situationism: What Can OWEE Learn from “dérive”?

A Détour Towards Situationism: What Can OWEE Learn from “dérive”?

By François-Xavier de Vaujany, PSL, Université Paris-Dauphine


The “derive” can be translated by the notion of “drift” in English. It is has been originally put forward in by Guy Debord, a member of the Letterist International,  in the context of his “Théorie de la derive” which was formalized in the late 50s. Debord defined dérive as « a mode of experimental behavior linked to the conditions of urban society: a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiances. » Dérive is a full improvised, an unplanned walked journey through an urban landscape. Still according to Debord, the maximum number of participants is three, which makes it possible to keep the integrity of the group in the process of improvisation. Through “derive”, participants are expected to suspend their everyday relations and « let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters they find there ». Dérive … Read more

MIT and Harvard: When Elite Institutions Hack & Open Knowledge

MIT and Harvard: When Elite Institutions Hack & Open Knowledge

By Aurore Dandoy, François-Xavier de Vaujany and Annie Passalacqua

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MIT hackathon, 2014.
Mason Marino, Che-Wei Wang, Andrew Whitacre / Flickr, CC BY

Aurore Dandoy, Université Paris Dauphine – PSL; Annie Passalacqua, HEC Montréal et François-Xavier de Vaujany, Université Paris Dauphine – PSL

As researchers and/or entrepreneurs, we have been absorbing cultural knowledge of collaboration, entrepreneurship, coworker and maker movements for a number of years. We often face and hear about how to become disruptive by two keywords: opening and hacking. Between July 25 and 28, 2018, we co-created a rich learning expedition organized by the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCS), at MIT and Harvard University, in Cambridge (Massachusetts). This alternative academic network focuses on topics about new work practices inspired by open science and citizen science cultures.

The starting point of our learning expedition was our astonishment: How can elite institutions (in particular, … Read more

Organizations that don’t begin preparing to day will bear the most tomorrow.

Here we will go over about the several types of book creating! Essay writing is an unusual art. Custom essay composing has turned into an extremely popular undertaking during the last a few years. The real key to creating an excellent autobiographical essay would be to let your ideas flow as opposed to place them in a fixed format. For composing a terrific SoP, write a gap that will immediately draw in the reader’s attention.… Read more

Fab lab and D-Lab at MIT: Two different philosophies of innovation?

Fab lab and D-Lab at MIT: Two different philosophies of innovation?

Between the 25th and the 28th of July 2018, I have had the opportunity to participate to a very rich learning expedition organized by the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCS), an alternative academic network about new work practices inspired by open science and citizen science cultures.

The expedition called #hackingday2018 consisted in a set of visits and reflexive discussions about Boston’s academic, entrepreneurial and innovative eco-system*. We followed a protocol combining planed with improvised visits following the flow of discussions and questions of the event itself (see the OWEE protocol for more details). More than two thirds of the visits were thus improvised. The protocol also relies on openness (anybody can register for free via an Eventbrite link) and long walked times alternating visits and other seated times. Social media, blogs and videos are used to extend the event in time and space, and link it to … Read more

Exploring the new spaces of entrepreneurship: an illustrated report of a learning expedition in Montreal

Exploring the new spaces of entrepreneurship: an illustrated report of a learning expedition in Montreal

On May 15th, 2018, the Montreal’s RGCS (Research Group on Collaborative Spaces) chapter organized a learning expedition through coworking spaces and start-up incubators chosen for their diversity (technological and social entrepreneurship) and their location in the city, in order to propose a 1-day walkable itinerary through 3 different neighborhoods of Montreal: downtown, Mile-End and Mile-Ex. We experimented some of the OWEE method’s principles, by walking together in the city, collecting visual and written data, sharing it on social media and having informal and semi-directed discussions.

This post is a collective illustrated report of this learning expedition.


1. Welcoming the participants in MTLab

On the same week, ESG UQAM was holding an international conference on entrepreneurship, the Journées Georges Doriot 2018, providing the opportunity to form a group of 20 participants interested in new forms and spaces of entrepreneurship (scholars, students and practitioners).

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Paul Arsenault and Read more

Academia in the Mirror of Street Art: Back to a Recent Walk in Paris

Academia in the Mirror of Street Art: Back to a Recent Walk in Paris

This was a rainy day. On June, 14th, an alternative academic network (RGCS ) has organized a great learning expedition about street art in the 13th district (« arrondissement ») of Paris.

This Open Walked Event-Based Experimentation (OWEE) was an opportunity to mix academics with entrepreneurs and street artists. A group of 20 people thus walked in the grey and cold streets of Paris this day. The context helped us to realize how colored and warm street art can be!

We started with a meeting point and a first discussion at the town hall of the 13th arrondissement. The deputy major explained us the history and context of street art here. We then walked around from one point to another (see the hashtag #oweesa and our album) before the final destination at les Frigos.

In this post, I want to focus on an encounter … Read more

Track about coworkers, hackers and makers, EGOS 2018 in Tallin

Track about coworkers, hackers and makers, EGOS 2018 in Tallin


The European Group on Organization Studies (EGOS) organizes an annual conference about organizations, organizing and society. The event is interdisciplinary and covers numerous intellectual and scientific debates about the dynamic of organizations and organizing.

A sub-theme (convened by Janet Merkel, Stefan Haefliger and me) was about « Co-workers, Hackers & Makers: Transforming and Making Visible Work Practices« .

22 papers discussed how collaborative communities, collaborative spaces, collaborative movements transform and/or make visible (new) work practices. Researchers in Management & Organization Studies, Economic Geography, Urban Sociology, MIS… participated to the discussion.

Introductory ppts can be accessed here

Summary of the concluding discussions and avenues for further research, in this Framapadd: https://annuel.framapad.org/p/ST13EGOS2018

Looking forward to your feedbacks!

Janet, Stefan & François, convenors of the sub-theme










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Art & coworking: opening event of RGCS Stockholm

Art & coworking: opening event of RGCS Stockholm

We are pleased to share with you the program of our opening event which will take place in Stockholm on  June 13th:

9 am Visit at Transit http://transitsthlm.se

Transit is both a site and a collaboration partner for freelance film makers, musicians, performing artists, fine artists and designers. We who work at Transit know that a dynamic and accepting environment helps many artists and their companies to develop both artistically and economically

We will meet outside their building at LM Ericssons väg 14, Stockholm10.45 am

Visit to Goto at 10 AM (https://www.goto10.se)

Goto 10 is the only free start and meet up space in Stockholm for anyone who wants to develop their internet ideas – with or without a business idea or start-up plans. We have space available for free for all our members to work during regular office hours. We also offer space for free lectures, seminars, networking events … Read more

Walking the Talk, Talking the Place: Three Research Protocols for Learning Expeditions

Walking the Talk, Talking the Place: Three Research Protocols for Learning Expeditions

Walking the talk, talking the place: Three research protocols for learning expeditions


Jeremy Aroles, Hélène Bussy-Socrate and François-Xavier de Vaujany


Managers, customers, citizens, entrepreneurs and researchers are being transformed into knowledge tourists but more rarely into ‘knowledge voyageurs’. Field trips, learning trips and learning expeditions epitomize a new trend in embodied explorations of places likely to bring learning and new knowledge with them. These transformative experience mainly consist in a set of visits to places and territories, between one day and one week, integrated into a program and narrative giving an orientation to this partly walked experience. Being ‘outside’ traditional frames and context of life and work is expected to produce something particular.

Most of the time, the visit starts at a meeting point where organizers introduce the agenda of the day. Participants are then guided to the first place where they meet the owner of the place (i.e. … Read more

Learning Expedition : RGCS et How I met my startup – 29 mars 2018

Learning Expedition : RGCS et How I met my startup – 29 mars 2018

Depuis 5 ans, How I met my start-up propose aux étudiant.e.s de Paris et d’Île-de-France de partir à la découverte de start-up innovantes et dynamiques qui ouvrent leurs portes le temps d’une matinée ou d’une journée. L’objectif : découvrir l’univers de travail en start-up, les métiers qu’on y exerce et pourquoi pas, y décrocher son futur job !

RGCS rejoint l’aventure en dispersant des chercheurs dans plusieurs parcours. L’objectif pour nous est de peaufiner la méthode OWEE, voire, de faire émerger de nouvelles perspectives en lien avec les thèmes principaux de l’équipe (espaces de travail, collaboratifs, innovation, tiers lieux, learning expedition).

Les participants sont tous invités à participer de manière réflexive à cette « learning expedition ». Ils pourront ainsi compléter le questionnaire en ligne ci-dessous :


Merci à tous pour votre aide !

Contact : Anna Glaser, ESCP Europe (aglaser@escpeurope.eu )

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