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Réunion 10 Novembre 2015: RGCS Working Group « Public  Policies and collaborative spaces »

Réunion 10 Novembre 2015: RGCS Working Group « Public Policies and collaborative spaces »

La prochaine réunion du Working Group « Public Policies » coordonné par Fabrice Periac aura lieu Mardi 10 novembre 2015 de 17h à 19h à l’Université Paris Dauphine (Espace One).

Nous aurons le plaisir d’assister à deux présentations:

– 17h: Valérie Ambroise-Renault, Docteur en Développement Durable et co-fondatrice de la plateforme collaborative Hopynity partagera avec nous son retour d’expérience, au cours d’une présentation intitulée: « Un espace collaboratif en ligne dédié à l’émergence de nouvelles coopérations entre les acteurs de la recherche et ceux de l’innovation – Focus sur la dimension territoriale de ces nouvelles coopérations »

– 18h: Ignasi Capdevila, Professeur associé à  Paris School of Economics, présentera ses recherches sur les espaces collaboratifs de Barcelone : « Co-workers, Makers et Fabbers: Dynamiques d’innovations internes, locales et globales dans des communautés localisées à Barcelone »

Chaque présentation sera suivie d’un temps pour les questions, échanges et

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RGCS London Meetings: 22nd and 23rd of October

Friday 22nd October 2015, from 5 to 7 PM at the LSE, we will organize the first meeting of RGCS London about ‘Communication and Legitimacy in collaborative spaces’ (NAB 4.07).

The meeting will be managed by Magda Hercheui (UCL) and François-Xavier de Vaujany (UPD).

Friday 23rd October 2015, from 3 to 6 pm (room 2.47) at Kings College we are sharing new insghts.

The seminar will start with a presentation by Oliver Marlow, co-founder and Creative Director at Tilt Studio “Co-designing a space for collaboration and creativity: The case of maker spaces”

It will be followed by a presentation by Tuukka Toivonen (SOAS University of London) entitled: “Hubs & Labs: Sociological approaches to researching entrepreneurial spaces and collectivities”

This presentation will be followed by another presentation by François-Xavier de Vaujany and Anouk Mukherjee (Université Paris-Dauphine) entitled: “Maker spaces and their  trategies of legitimation in the city: an exploratory study in … Read more

Agenda for the 23rd of October meeting in London

Our next meeting is on the 23rd of October at Kings College at 2pm, .

The seminar will start with a presentation by the manager of a third place in London.

Then, Tuukka Toivenen (Phd) from SOAS University of London, is presented one of his recent research untitled

Hubs & Labs: Sociological approaches to researching entrepreneurial spaces and collectivities

This presentation will be followed by a working progress project conducted by Pr François-Xavier de Vaujany and Anouk Mukherjee, from Paris Dauphine University, untitled

New social hubs and their strategies of legitimation in the city: an exploratory study of third places in Paris

Please be free to invite some colleagues. Download the  Invitation – RGCS London 23rd October

We are looking forward to see you again !… Read more

Meetings in London and Paris

Our RGCS network now gathers 142 international researchers interested in collaborative practices and the tools, spaces and places (e.g. new open spaces, coworking spaces, fab labs, maker spaces, hacker spaces…) expected to host them. It is structured around three chapters in Paris, London and Montreal. Practitioners and managers of third-places are more than welcome to join our debates!

We are pleased to announce the following RGCS events in London and Paris.

In London, our next meeting will be the 8th July, 2.30 PM at the King’s College London (Room G.94). It will include a admin meeting among coordinators, following at 3.30 by a discussion with spaces owners and finishing with a research presentation based on a case study about Impact Hub. A tour of the Trampery Old Street will be also organized the 9th July at 10 AM.

In Paris, two meetings will be organized in September. First, a … Read more