Program – RGCS events

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Program of RGCS events in 2016

  1. Paris chapter

13 January (2 PM, espace one at Dauphine): comparison of local public policies about third places  (with the City of Paris and the Conseil Régional Ile de France – La Fonderie)

25 January: RGCS seminar at Player (5 PM) about innovation and entrepreneurship

15th March (2 PM, espace one): study about Fab labs (presentation of a study about 80 European Fab labs, with Raphael Suire, Professor of economics at Université de Rennes)

21st March: RGCS seminar (5 PM) at Beeotop about ethnographical perspectives on maker spaces

17th May: RGCS seminar (4 PM) at Marketing space: “From open spaces to collaborative spaces” with a discussion with the City of Paris (Maud Berthier) about students coworking spaces supported by the city of Paris.

5th July (2 PM, espace one at Dauphine): presentation and open discussions with Sawsan Awada-Jalu (Association L’école de la Ville Buissonnière) about the implementation of a mobile platfor aiming at informing and involving inhabitants of the south of Paris about urban transformations linked to the emergence of the “Grand-Paris”.

12th October: RGCS seminar (4 PM) about “Collaborative Spaces : between common goods and business” with Alexandre Blein (ENPC) and Caroline Scotto (Mines ParisTech). Followed by a workshop about “education, innovations and third-places” at Le Labo de l’Edition. For more information.

3rd November: RGCS seminar (4 PM-6.30 PM, salle de visioconférence de l’université Paris-Dauphine) about “Placing organized work: how and why place is a useful concept for Management and Organization Studies” with Betrand Sergot and Anne-Laure Saives

30th November (5 PM at PSL headquarters): “Entrepreneurs et innovateurs : une nouvelle classe politique dans la cité ?”

16th December: First RGCS international symposium in Paris about “CallForPapersFirstRGCSsymposium2016-06. All chapters and people interested in collaborative communities and collaborative spaces can join us for a conference and presentation of our white report.

Fore more information: or or and

2. London chapter

15th January, all day long at Cass Business School (9 AM-4 PM)

18th March, all day long at the French embassy (9 AM-4 pm)

17th June (5 PM) at the Cass Business School: “Coworking spaces and coworking movements in London: an overview of business models”

20th October (5 PM) at Cass Business School: “Entrepreneurship and innovation in the city: where is the visible hand?. Followed by a working group “Public policies of entrepreneurship and innovation in innovation: what are the invisible hands?”

For more information: or

3. Montreal chapter

15th January at UQAM ( 1 PM to 3 PM)

24th May at UQAM (3 to 5.30 PM at UQAM): “Collaborative communities in Montreal: main trends”

Other dates to come soon


4. Grenoble and Lyon chapter

17 March (5 PM-7 PM), in Grenoble at the IAE of Grenoble

9th June (5.30 PM at the Tuba), in Lyon “Des soyeux aux makers/coworkers : la tradition lyonnaise des tiers-lieux producteurs d’innovations

11th October (5.30 PM) at IAE of Grenoble, “Collaborative communities: the role of space and architecture”

Other events in Lyon and Grenoble will be published soon

Contact: and

5. Barcelona Chapter

22nd-23rd September 2016: first meeting, research seminar about “Coworkers, Makers, Hackers and Fabbers: main trends in Barcelona“, at the University of Barcelona with Montserrat Pareja, Ignasi Capdevilla and Roser Pujadas.

More information:, or

6. Milan-Bologna-Roma chapter

First meeting in September 2016. More details soon.

More information:

7. Saint Etienne chapter

More information very soon


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