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The new Coworking Library is now online

The new Coworking Library is now online

By Johanna Voll


In January 2019 the Coworking Library announced a major update: You can now search the open interdisciplinary database by discipline, publication year, language, document type and/or keyword. It's a free resource that features all research that is related to coworking, including papers, books, chapters in books, conference papers, research projects (Phd, MA or above), market reports and other studies in one place.

The non-profit project is initiated by the German Coworking Federation e.V., Deskmag and RGCS and the Coworking Library have been in close contact while developing the website. In addition, many international researchers, students of the European University Viadrina and countless friends from the coworking movement have contributed to this journey. Researchers can now not only use the library as a database, but also add their own research directly.


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