collaborative communities

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Notre open seminar sur l’université ouverte et la création de l’OLPO

Notre open seminar sur l’université ouverte et la création de l’OLPO

Quelques tweets suite à notre open seminar sur l'université ouverte du 23 septembre :

Visionnez la vidéo de l'open seminar :

L'OLPO, l'observatoire des laboratoires politiques ouverts, think tanks / do tanks et bien d'autres sous la loupe des chercheurs du collaboratig !

Pour rappel, le livre blanc sur lequel s'appuie ces propositions :


Merci d'avoir participé !

Et un grand MERCI La Myne pour le pad collaboratif !!


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Collaborative practices, workspaces and communities in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis.

Collaborative practices, workspaces and communities in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis.

RGCS and its Milan Chapter, in partnership with COST Action CA18214, are launching the 5th RGCS Symposium as an online event where to share ideas on the latest disruptive evolution of collaborative practices, workspaces and communities in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis!

In their various manifestations, from coworking spaces to open communities, forms of commons-based peer production and collaboration networks, collaborative practices have become widespread in knowledge-intensive industries, most commonly across urban environments (e.g., Palvalin and Vuolle, 2016), and strongly depend on face-to-face interactions to unleash their full potential. The Covid-19 pandemic, however, has bluntly interrupted this virtuous cycle.

In the unprecedented period of health crisis experienced on a worldly scale in the first half of 2020, the ways in which collaboration happens changed abruptly. Contextually, the most extensive remote-work (WFH) experiment has occurred (Konya, 2020; Memoori, 2020), which offers several opportunities for investigating new forms of collaborative

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Walking together in Brooklyn: Alterity, gentrification and data privacy

Walking together in Brooklyn: Alterity, gentrification and data privacy

Contributors (in alphabetical order): Anonymous 1;, Fayard, A-L.; Stefan; M; Statler, M; de Vaujany, FX.

On October, 25th 2019, we had the opportunity of a first Open Walked Event-Based Experimentation (OWEE) in the US. The idea of an OWEE is very simple: gathering a group of people who, for most of them, have never met, and co-producing a collective walk along with some analysis about it. An OWEE has thus no particular ‘objective’. It is a drift (“derive”) in a public space, sometimes intertwined with visits of third-spaces or collaborative spaces which are a way to explore further or differently the area around.

The topic of this collaborative learning expedition was Brooklyn, with the general and vague idea to explore its invisible frontiers and atmospheres, and grasp some aspects of the gentrification process here.



The event has first been

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Carnet de voyage : regards croisés sur les makers et l’entrepreneuriat au Sénégal

Carnet de voyage : regards croisés sur les makers et l’entrepreneuriat au Sénégal

By Julie Fabbri, EM Lyon; Amadou Lô, Toulouse Business School ; Christian Gnekpe, Toulouse Business School ; Pauline Fatien Diochon, SKEMA Business School et Thibault Daudigeos, Grenoble École de Management (GEM)

Dans le cadre de la 28ᵉ conférence annuelle organisée par l’association internationale de management stratégique francophone (#AIMS2019) à Dakar (Sénégal) du 11 au 14 juin 2019, cinq enseignants-chercheurs résidant en France croisent leurs ressentis. L’organisation de cette édition en Afrique est l’occasion de poser la question de la signification et de l’adaptation de l’entrepreneuriat, et plus largement du management africain/en Afrique. Retours sur trois journées riches en réflexions et émotions au pays de l’hospitalité et de la débrouille.

Cet article est republié à partir de The Conversation sous licence Creative Commons. Lire l’article original.

Ne jamais faire confiance à un pélican, même domestiqué…

Deux femmes et trois hommes. Deux Africains et

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Welcome to our new coordinators and chapters!

Welcome to our new coordinators and chapters!

Dear all,

Following last online vote of RGCS board (all coordinators), we are pleased to announce that the following points have been validated by 37 coordinators who participated to this vote

1)      Vote of a new co-coordinator for RGCS Berlin: Alexandra Bernhard had been elected

2)      Vote of a new co-coordinator for RGCS Lille: Ana Ruiz has been elected 

3)      Vote of a new co-coordinator for RGCS Rome: Andrea Resca has been elected

4)      Vote for a new RGCS chapter in Stuttgart: validated

5)      Vote for a new RGCS chapter in Shanghai: validated

6)      Vote for a new RGCS chapter in San Francisco: validated

7)      Vote for a new RGCS coordinator in Stuttgart: Viktoria Pepler has been elected

8)       Vote for a new RGCS coordinator in Stuttgart: Martin Engstler has been elected

9)      Vote for a new RGCS coordinator in Shanghai: Nikola Zivlak has been elected

10)   Vote for a

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RGCS Paper Factory #1

RGCS Paper Factory #1

Program – OWEE paper workshop  

“RGCS Paper Factory #1”

3-5 June 2019, Dauphine University (Paris)


Coordinators : Olivier Irrmann & François-Xavier de Vaujany


Location: Université Paris Dauphine - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75016 Paris – Meeting at the entrance hall of the university main building.


Once upon a Walk

In 2016, we began a collective adventure about a collaborative learning expedition we called OWEE (for "Open Walked Event-Based Experimentations"). Since then, we organized 23 OWEEs, wrote a White Paper and started a research project focused on OWEE. This has already produced paper conferences (at LAEMOS, EGOS, AOM, OAP...) and we are now shifting to the stage of writing collaboratively academic articles about these experimentations.


The objectives of the workshop

On June 3-5 2019 (Monday to Wednesday) we will organize at Dauphine a collaborative writing workshop about the potential of OWEE learning

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« Apprendre au bout de ma rue… en 2019 », l’évènement d’une nouvelle ère!

« Apprendre au bout de ma rue… en 2019 », l’évènement d’une nouvelle ère!

L’apprentissage est un débat récurrent au sein de la société, comme en témoignent le nombre d’écoles alternatives, de rapports d’échecs scolaires[1]et de réformes de l’éducation nationale par chaque nouveau ministre[2]. C’est aussi un thème qui émerge des pratiques et des espaces de coworking[3]. En effet, le coworking est une question de communauté (co) et de travail (working) et cela inclut de l’apprentissage social. Et quand une communauté de travail décide d’apprendre ensemble sur le thème « Apprendre au bout de ma rue… en 2019 ! », on en tire un événement génial !!

Photo 1: Apprendre au bout de ma rue en 2019 à Sceaux Smart (source : padlet[4])


Cet événement, le premier World Café de Sceaux Smart[5],  a eu lieu le 20 février de 18h à 20h dans l’espace de coworking, transformé en espace événementiel. L’espace était organisé

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Collaborative Ethnography: Welcoming the Passenger

Collaborative Ethnography: Welcoming the Passenger

By François-Xavier de Vaujany, PSL, Université Paris-Dauphine

Ethnography, auto-ethnography and collaborative ethnography are more and more parts of my research and teaching practices. Open Walked Event-Based Experimentations (OWEE), these collaborative learning expeditions experimented since 2016, have been an opportunity for me to explore further the collaborative side of ethnography with co-produced articles, shared log books and collaborative use of social media.

By means of a movie I use for some of my teachings, the Passenger  directed in 1975 by Michelangelo Antonioni, I would like to come back here to three key issues about collaborative ethnography: “reversibility” of the conversation, “silence” and “depth” (more than “perspective”). Those are topics which particularly resonate with the work of the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty and the writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Collaborative ethnography is not about ‘applying’ a research protocol. Sometimes, the use of logbooks in the context of ethnography

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Overview of RGCS activites (2014-2018): studying and experimenting collaborative practices

Overview of RGCS activites (2014-2018): studying and experimenting collaborative practices

Our network has first been a working group (NETC) set up in October 2014. It has then be a network gathering researchers, entrepreneurs and activists interested in new ways of working (e.g. collaborative work and collaborative spaces) and exploring new ways of working for academics-practitioners collaborations from 2015. What did we do since the beginning of this adventure? It is time to take stock of our activities.

These years have been opportunities for numerous experimentations, attempts, failures, surprises, a lot of bricolages and improvisations. We did our best to make things happen. Most of all, we are proud of what we did or tried to do.

Our key accomplishments and contributions could be summarized the following way:

Bilan 2.jpg

What could be the next steps? What do we want for the next years? Difficult to say. As we like to repeat, let's surprise ourselves...

Bilan 3


Join us for the next chapters of this

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