RGCS White Paper

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Notre open seminar sur l’université ouverte et la création de l’OLPO

Notre open seminar sur l’université ouverte et la création de l’OLPO

Quelques tweets suite à notre open seminar sur l'université ouverte du 23 septembre :

Visionnez la vidéo de l'open seminar :

L'OLPO, l'observatoire des laboratoires politiques ouverts, think tanks / do tanks et bien d'autres sous la loupe des chercheurs du collaboratig !

Pour rappel, le livre blanc sur lequel s'appuie ces propositions :


Merci d'avoir participé !

Et un grand MERCI La Myne pour le pad collaboratif !!

==> https://pad.lamyne.org/RGCS-pouruneuniversiteouverte?both

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Walking the Talk, Talking the Place: Three Research Protocols for Learning Expeditions

Walking the Talk, Talking the Place: Three Research Protocols for Learning Expeditions

Walking the talk, talking the place: Three research protocols for learning expeditions


Jeremy Aroles, Hélène Bussy-Socrate and François-Xavier de Vaujany


Managers, customers, citizens, entrepreneurs and researchers are being transformed into knowledge tourists but more rarely into ‘knowledge voyageurs’. Field trips, learning trips and learning expeditions epitomize a new trend in embodied explorations of places likely to bring learning and new knowledge with them. These transformative experience mainly consist in a set of visits to places and territories, between one day and one week, integrated into a program and narrative giving an orientation to this partly walked experience. Being ‘outside’ traditional frames and context of life and work is expected to produce something particular.

Most of the time, the visit starts at a meeting point where organizers introduce the agenda of the day. Participants are then guided to the first place where they meet the owner of the place (i.e. … Read more

A learning expedition about street art: why?

A learning expedition about street art: why?

  1. Back to an initial dream: walking together, collaborating together…

In September 2016, a small network of scholars and practitioners (RGCS) experimented a first learning expedition in Barcelona. This event gathered students, artists, designers and academics interested in the new places for entrepreneurship and innovation.

After an opening event in a coworking space, we had the opportunity to spend two days in Barcelona visiting coworking spaces and makerspaces. We walked a lot together, shared numerous ideas, had fun, tweeted while walking and commenting what we just saw. Entering into spaces, visiting them, and then going out and sharing long walk in the city was both something very simple and very complex at the same time. At the end, isn’t it what we do all day? Coming in and out, walking? But quickly came the idea that this could also be a method, a set of techniques and routines we … Read more

Co-workers and makers: New public policies and corporate strategies for the city

Co-workers and makers: New public policies and corporate strategies for the city

By Laetitia Vitaud, speaker, writer and researcher, specialised in the future of work, organisations and consumption (original post here on the LSE Business Review blog)

Collaborative doers will increasingly play a political role, transforming traditional political mechanisms, writes Laetitia Vitaud

Collaborative movements and communities—co-workers, makers, hackers, and fabbers— stir tremendous controversy because they expose all the paradoxes and contradictions of the ongoing transformations of work practices and capitalism. Work is being redefined by the growing number of entrepreneurs and freelancers while organisations are being transformed by a new work ethos. The ‘do-ocracy’ is establishing itself as the favoured organisational structure of the future, where individuals choose roles and tasks and execute them. Responsibilities and legitimacy go to people who do the work, rather than to selected executives.

These are all the issues dealt with by the White Paper recently published by the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCSRead more

White Paper (Alpha) in English is out

The English-Speaking version of RGCS White Paper (Alpha version) is now on line:

RGCS White Paper Alpha version

This Alpha version offers a starting point and a vision for the elaboration of RGCS White Paper (see this document:  A process for RGCS White Paper).

Next versions will be less ‘academic’ and more focused on cases and propositions.

But RGCS is an academic network, and the starting point of its analysis of collaborative communities in the city is necessarily a little bit academic 🙂

Looking forward to your feedbacks (collaborativespaces@gmail.com)

Best regards,

The coordinators of RGCS

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